The Simple Rule of Sustainability Governance: Keep Calm and Categorise your Challenges

The Simple Rule of Sustainability

By Ron Soonieus and Dave Young

Corporate boards must urgently organise themselves for strategic reflection on sustainability and shorter-term oversight of practices and reporting. The latter is demanded by stakeholders – including the planet we all live on. But, at the same time, companies cannot afford to ignore ESG as a long-term source of competitive advantage and value creation.

Back in 2018, when Friends of the Earth Netherlands announced that it was taking Shell to court for undermining the Paris Agreement, board members at other companies could afford to “wait and see”. In 2021, when the judgement went against Shell, it was time to start worrying. In the long, dry summer of 2022, things turned serious for another 29 major companies – including Unilever and ING – when Friends of the Earth Netherlands published a report presenting evidence that the 29 were falling seriously short on their climate plans.

Suddenly, organisations previously celebrated for their sustainability strategies are accused of being “on a collision course with our climate” and “nowhere near meeting climate agreements”. Worse, Friends of the Earth Netherlands have made it clear that, though their goal is “not litigation, but to stop dangerous climate change”, they will initiate further lawsuits if necessary.

What do you do if you’re on the supervisory board of one of those organisations? Or if you fear your company is next on the list for environmental campaigners? Or, better still, if you just want to do the right thing? Here’s a two-step plan…

1. Calmly sort the issues into buckets

The biggest danger is that board members confuse strategy with attention to basics and oversight of progress of existing operations. It’s tempting to panic about litigation or reputational damage – not to mention any of the other global crises threatening businesses today – and for the board as a whole to lose sight of the long-term. Certainly, current economic storms require immediate action, but they are also reshaping the business context in such a way as to bring long-term risks and opportunities. And that creates an even greater need for genuine strategic reflection and action.

Current economic storms require immediate action, but they are also reshaping the business context in such a way as to bring long-term risks and opportunities.

Worse still is to delegate responsibility and blame down the hierarchy and thus to neglect legally enshrined fiduciary duties. Earlier this year, Shell (yes, them again) had another nasty shock when environmental law charity ClientEarth began legal action in the UK against the multinational’s 13 executive and non-executive directors for “mismanaging climate risk”. This time, however, the activists were claiming that the board had put the company’s – rather than the planet’s – future at risk by failing to prepare for the net-zero transition. And the litigation targeted individual directors.1

To help companies prioritise and share out their ESG challenges, we have defined three “buckets” into which to calmly sort board-level sustainability issues.2

  1. Sustainability “hygiene”. By this, we mean attention to the ESG basics, such as: materiality, data, reporting, and stakeholder engagement. All can be dealt with by board committees and management. Regardless of other pressing matters, such tasks must continue, but they needn’t consume too many high-level resources.
  2. Sustainability controls and practices. This area covers oversight of how the company is adopting controls and best practices to ensure that ESG is effectively integrated into operations. Again, such matters can be handled by board committees and management, rather than commanding the attention of the full board.
  3. Strategic reflection and implications. This involves exploration of how the context for business is changing in the long term, insights into what role the company wants to play in that changing world, and decisions about how sustainability can become a source of lasting competitive advantage. Such matters are for full boards, executives and non-executives.

In short, boards must push ESG hygiene, controls, and practices into committee meetings, thus freeing up time to focus on strategic reflection – something that 91 per cent of board members claim they are seeking.3 Full board meetings should focus instead on long-term value creation by making sustainability an integral part of corporate strategy. By sharing out the work, you can address and align both the long-term and the short-term priorities.

Of course, that only raises another question: which committee(s) get which buckets? Hence the second step.

2. Align your buckets with your committees

If you have a dedicated sustainability committee it’s a no-brainer – although this is not our favourite method of structuring ESG governance in the long run. A sustainability committee is set up and run just like the remuneration or audit committee (or any other). It will have its own charter and agenda, defining the scope of its decision-making responsibility and identifying when discussion by the whole board is required. By definition, the members of the sustainability committee should have the expertise to distinguish between “hygiene” or “controls and practices” and “strategic reflection and implications”. They can take responsibility for the former and guide the full board on the latter.

Boards must push ESG hygiene, controls, and practices into committee meetings, thus freeing up time to focus on strategic reflection – something that 91 per cent of board members claim they are seeking.

A more multi-faceted, wider-perspective approach can be achieved through multiple-committee responsibility. Again, ESG is incorporated into existing official committee documentation but, this time, the issues and responsibilities are distributed among several charters. Obviously, the exact division will depend on the nature of the company and the committees that already exist. And sometimes the buckets will need to be unpacked and the individual issues allocated to more than one committee. By way of examples:

  • Remuneration committee integrates ESG into performance and compensation plans;
  • Audit committee covers non-financial or integrated reporting;
  • Risk committee ensures and tracks progress of sustainability compliance;
  • Nominating committee ensures the right ESG knowledge and experience on the board and promotes a strong sustainability culture;
  • Governance committee ensures the integration of sustainability into organisational structures and effective communication to investors and other stakeholders.

Clearly, multi-committee responsibility comes with some risks. It can lead to fragmented and patchy treatment of ESG. And it can be complex to administer, schedule, and coordinate, as it requires strong communication between committee chairs and careful oversight by the board chair. Yet, if you get the division of labour right and ensure that the committees systematically bring their deliberations (not just their conclusions) to the attention of the full board, this solution comes close to the ideal model of sustainability governance.

Indeed, multiple-committee decision-making on hygiene and controls/practices, combined with full-board scrutiny of those decisions, can be very powerful indeed… provided the board as a whole continues to drive long-term strategic reflection/implications. This is just one step away from what we call full integration – which should be the goal for all corporate boards.

Here, sustainability is an integral part of all board deliberations – a reflex consideration for every individual director, as well as enshrined in the charters of the whole board and its committees. Full integration means that nearly all agenda items will include some consideration of sustainability, although some ESG decisions will be agenda items in their own right. Various committees will prepare recommendations on hygiene and controls/practices, as well as perspectives on more strategic issues, but the final decision and long-term strategic reflection will rest with the full board.

Some final thoughts

Of course, instead of keeping calm and categorising, you could just delay and pray. Perhaps, in a world that is lurching from one economic crisis to another, no one will notice if your board postpones all long-term strategic reflections on sustainability to focus instead on ticking the short-term boxes: data collection, current initiatives, and compliance with the latest regulations. But, sooner or later, you will run
out of time.

Yet why would you take this risk when the solution is so simple? Use your time as a full board wisely – for strategic reflection on sustainability – and let committees pick up the more granular tasks of ESG governance. You will not only avoid unwelcome scrutiny; you will create value for your stakeholders and do the right thing for the planet.

About the Authors

Ron SoonieusRon Soonieus is a Senior Advisor at Boston Consulting Group (BCG), a Director in Residence at the INSEAD Corporate Governance Centre and a founder at think tank Radix, the Centre for Business, Politics and Society. Ron advises management and boards on integrating sustainability into corporate strategy, governance, and culture.

Dave YoungDave Young is a Managing Director and Senior Partner for Boston Consulting Group (BCG). Dave is the Global Leader of the Center for Climate and Sustainability at BCG’s think tank, the BCG Henderson Institute (BHI). Dave was named a BHI Fellow, focusing his research on Sustainable Business Model Innovation (SBM-I).


  1. “Climate Change Gets Up Close and Personal for Board Members”
  2. “How Boards Can Focus on What Matters in Sustainability”
  3. “The BCG-INSEAD Board ESG Pulse Check”
The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of The Political Anthropologist.