More Innovation Can Creatively Destroy Firearm Violence
By Dan Prud'homme
We need more investment in two types of technologies that could dramatically reduce gun violence in America: better non-lethal arms and a...
Adapting In An Ever-Changing Business World: When Culture Meets Biology To Survive
By David De Cremer
The world today is changing all the time. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were reminded that events and...
The Despair of American Youths under an Overly ‘Critical Society’
By Chan Kung
A recent tragic incident in the United States has stunned the world. This incident, is not merely “domestic terrorism”, but its root...
A Voyage Into Premature Aging: The Role of Chronic Stress and its Principal Correlates
By Prof. Simon L. Dolan and Prof. Mario Raich
The idea of stress and aging was born many years ago while one of the co-authors of...
Human Uniqueness At The Dawn Of Intelligent Machines
By Mario Raich, Simon L. Dolan, Dr. Dave Ulrich and Claudio Cisullo
Every generation wants to improve on the previous generation; however, this generation risks...
How Cryptocurrency Can Help Non-profits and Investors Thrive in the ‘New Normal’
By Thomas Cauley
A decade ago nonprofit leaders were talking about the ways donors could change the world through social media. Today we’re talking about cryptocurrency.
COVID-19 has shown that following the same road will lead the world over a...
By Ian Goldin
Despite the tragic deaths, suffering and sadness that it has caused, the pandemic could go down in history as the event that rescued...
Myanmar: memes and mantras of a new generation of democracy protesters
By Richard Dolan
What do the internet memes Doge and Cheems, the Hollywood film franchise The Hunger Games, and a sachet of instant tea have in common? They...
Why Another Lockdown Might be Needed in February 2021
By Dr Peter Sivey and Dr James Gaughan
England recently emerged from a four-week lockdown into a series of tiered restrictions, and there is good...
Nobel peace prize: hunger is a weapon of war but the World Food Programme...
By Susanne Jaspars
By awarding the 2020 Nobel peace prize to the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP), the Nobel committee said that it wanted to “turn the...
The New Global COVID-19 Threat: Misguided Policies, Virulent Strains, New Waves, and Lost Years
By Dan Steinbock
As the COVID-19 epicenter has moved from the Americas to India and poorer economies and G20 countries remain severely affected, the...
Venezuela – A Tribute for Her Endless Pursuit of Democracy
By Peter Koenig
Venezuela is again the shining light of Democracy – pushing ahead with the 6 December 2020 National Assembly (NA) elections – despite...
9 reasons you can be optimistic that a vaccine for COVID-19 will be widely...
By William Petri
As fall approaches rapidly, many are wondering if the race for a vaccine will bear fruit as early as January 2021.
Conspiracy Theory – What Is It?
By Peter Koenig
Being blamed for disseminating “conspiracy theories” and therefore being a conspiracy theorist, is an extraordinarily and smart tactic used by the true...
The Challenges and Importance of Institutions Building in the Developing Countries
By Dr. Kalim Siddiqui
There has been on-going debate about the utility of the ‘free market’ system versus ‘government intervention’ in promoting development policies and...
Corporate Philanthropy’s COVID-19 Test
By Kalyah Ford and Renée Karibi-Whyte
As the COVID-19 pandemic impacts hundreds of thousands of lives and the very fabric of society globally, corporate philanthropy is playing a...
“The COVID-19 Crisis” as an Opportunity for Introspection: A Multi-level Reflection on Values, Needs,...
By Simon L. Dolan, Mario Raich, Anat Garti and Avishai Landau
The current period of misery and even despair surround us. It is perhaps an opportune moment to reflect on...
The Climate Crisis Dilemma
By Graham Vanbergen
The climate crisis is now changing global finance – Graham Vanbergen asks the question do we want to pay for it now...
China’s Pioneering Effort to Contain Virus Outbreak Economic and Human Costs of the New...
By Dan Steinbock
Chinese government has used strong measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan. The human costs and economic impact...