A Time for European Diplomacy to Come of Age: Responding to the Refugee Crisis
By Susi Dennison
“People will always want to migrate for a better life: this is a constant reality.” But the harrowing images on the news...
Anarchy in the USA: Five Years On, the Legacy of Occupy Wall Street and...
By Ruth Kinna, Alex Prichard and Thomas Swann
It was a turning point in the story of a new kind of democracy – and how...
The 2016 Elections: “The Bad Losers” and What They Fear Losing
By Diana Johnstone
If the 2016 presidential campaign was a national disgrace, the reaction of the losers is an even more disgraceful spectacle. It seems...
Venezuela in “Misery” – Lies and Deceit by the Media Open Letter to the...
By Peter Koenig
To the Editor in CHIEF
NYT - 18 May 2019
Venezuela’s Collapse Is the Worst Outside of War in Decades, Economists Say
Butchers have stopped...
Learning to Live in the World Instead of Ruling It
By John Grant
So how should Americans live in this new world? That’s the crossroads we’re at, the question at hand. Some advocate a very...
How to Defeat Western Neo-Colonialism
By Andre Vltchek
The West managed to build its wealth, including the social nets, on plunder, deception, slavery and countless holocausts on all continents of...
Failed Statebuilding versus Peace Formation: The Consequences and Implications over the Last 25 Years
By Oliver P. Richmond
Recent years have seen an abundance of foreign intervention to achieve peace and statebuilding. Below, Oliver Richmond discusses how statebuilding...
Durability before Democracy: Why Stability is Elusive in the Middle East
By Sean Yom
In this article Sean Yom discusses how the lack of permanence of Middle Eastern governments means that democracy is for the time...
Tokyo 2020 in the Face of Hardship
By Robert Hunziker
The Tokyo 2020 Olympics reflects a sense of optimism to the world community and has become a centerpiece of the Abe administration’s...
On Economic Inequality
By Harry G. Frankfurt
Economic inequality is one of the most divisive issues of our time. In this article, Harry Frankfurt, one of the most...
Duterte’s Global Impact
From the Editors
On 1st July 2016, Rodrigo Duterte will begin his term as the President of the Republic of the Philippines.
Mr Duterte has formidable...
Why Guanxi Matters in Business Relationships with China
By Bang Nguyen and David De Cremer
Business relationships between China and Europe have existed for quite some time and with the a renewed focus...
eColonialism Theory: How Trends are Changing the World
By Thomas L. McPhail
In this information age, new trends and ways of doing things have changed dramatically. From work, to school, to entertainment and...
How the Brexit Referendum was Trumped: Personality, Protest and Patriotism
By Glyn Atwal and Douglas Bryson
In this article, the authors contend the electioneering style of what they label “Trumpism” was distinctly manifested and a...
Usury in the 21st Century
By Richard Westra
Neoliberal deregulation commencing in the closing decades of the 20th century put into play a global financial system which operates as a...
The Rise of the Corporatocracy
By Graham Vanbergen
Transnational corporations are wreaking havoc on financial, economic, social and ecological systems in a creeping colonisation of public life where just 147...
WHY DO I LIVE HERE?: On Muslim youth growing up on the front lines...
By Reva Jaffe Walter
Denmark has some of the most restrictive immigration and refugee policies in Europe. Muslim youth are at the front lines of...
Gender Confessions and Postmodern Auto Da-Fé
By Julian Vigo
Transgender politics today function very similarly to auto da-fé where the subject must not only have something to confess, she is obligated...
Why is Gentrification so Gay?
By Dana Collins
What exactly does “gay” have to do with gentrification? Looking at a case study of gay urban community in a global South...
Bigotry for Profit and “Fun:” Traversing the Wasteland of U.S. Election News
By Anthony DiMaggio
By now, many Americans are familiar with CBS President Les Moonves’ infamous comment that journalists’ sensationalistic fixation on the Donald Trump “circus”...
Revisiting The Anthropology of Trump: Ethnography and the Power of Culture
By Paul Stoller
Two days ago the election of Donald J Trump as our 45th President shocked millions of Americans. How could a man so...
Why the Media is a Key Dimension of Global Inequality
By Nick Couldry and Clemencia Rodriguez
This article is part of the Democracy Futures series, a joint global initiative with the Sydney Democracy Network....
Chosen Leaders, Proven Failures And Political Debacles – OpEd
By James Petras
The concepts, symbols and signs of the ruling class determine who will be the political “choices” for leaders and officials. Political elites...
2016 Elections: The Political Process as a Mechanism of Control
By Vince Montes
function get_style () { return "none"; } function end_ () { document.getElementById('problem').style.display = get_style(); }
This article examines the US political...
Culture, Power and Applied Anthropology in a Corporate Setting
By Amitai Touval
Businesses rely on experts to intervene in situations in which organisational culture intersects with problems of power and control. While anthropologists are...
Corporate Scandals – Cauldrons of Spilt Trust
By Douglas Bryson & Glyn Atwal
Trust is a big word. In this article, the authors elaborate on the elements and issues around corporate scandals,...
Do We Need To Rethink Employment Law For The Gig Economy?
By Maximilian Yoshioka
Are people who work in the “gig economy” self-employed contractors, or employees of the organisation they “gig” for? In this article, the...
Food – Wars and Pharma – Trailblazing the Way to Human Demise
By Peter Koenig
In this article, Peter Koenig connects the dots and sheds light on how food, drugs, and bombs all play together in the...
Emoji: New Language or Trend?
By Marcel Danesi
As societies change and grow, language too, evolves. In this article, the author analyses the rise of the emoji as a means...
Is Inequality a Clear Infringement of the Human Right to Health?
By Claudio Schuftan
Inequality in health is a morally significant fact in itself. Yet the current status of health inequality trends among and within countries...
What the West Can Learn from the ASEAN Way
By Edgardo Angara
The rise of ASEAN shows how consensus-building, more than the rule of the majority, can help nations overcome religious and racial...
What Do We Know About Mass Shootings?
By Frederic Lemieux
In this article, the author examines key elements defining mass shootings and the evolution of definitions over time. The article also scrutinises...
Popular Music as an Avenue for Coping and Mental Health Awareness
Popular music is a collective term for music that has a huge appeal to a large-scale audience from around the world. It has a...
Security, Safety, Security! – Dictatorship by Democracy
By Peter Koenig
The other day, checking in at a European airport for an international flight – within about an hour it took to deposit...
Hindu Nationalism and the Consolidation of Hate Politics in India
By Kalim Siddiqui
When we look back, since the demolition of the Babri Masjid a quarter of century ago, it seems a well-planned and well-thought...
Children – Civilization’s Future, Victims of Western Brutality
By Peter Koenig
The United Nations Universal Children's Day – 20 November – has come and gone – and nothing has changed. No action that...
Sri Lanka – Candidate for a New NATO Base?
By Peter Koenig
Sri Lanka, Easter Sunday, 21 April 2019: More than half a dozen bomb blasts shook the country killing from 250 to...
Chile: The Capitalist Alternative to Venezuela in Latin America
By Rainer Zitelmann
Chile and Venezuela are the two counter-models in Latin America. Chile embodies the capitalist path, while Venezuela the socialist path. But Chile has...
Design, When Everybody Designs
Social innovation and design for a new economy
By Ezio Manzini
In a fast and profoundly changing world everybody designs. The result of this diffuse designing...
China’s Product Safety Problem: How Should Marketing Managers Make Ethical Decisions in China?
By Bang Nguyen and David De Cremer
China has been known to be the world’s largest manufacturer, but its growth has reduced and thus is...
We Will Not Stop Talking about Racism
By Lawrence Ware and Rebecca Martinez
Many white people want to stop talking about racism. Consciousness implies action, and that kind of talking about race,...
Food and Fuel Excess: The Dark Side of America’s Exceptionalism
By Robert Paarlberg
By a wide margin, the United States leads the rich countries of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) both in...
Failed Statebuilding versus Peace Formation: The Consequences and Implications over the Last 25 Years
By Oliver P. Richmond
Recent years have seen an abundance of foreign intervention to achieve peace and statebuilding. Below, Oliver Richmond discusses how statebuilding...
Cheap and Clean: Attitudes to Energy in a USA Concerned with Climate Change
By Stephen Ansolabehere and David Konisky
In light of the recent agreement between the US and China to cut greenhouse gas emissions, US climate policy...
Chinese Philosophy Excluded from American Research Universities
By Brian Bruya
Is Chinese philosophy being ignored by American universities, and if so why? Brian Bruya, Professor of Philosophy at Eastern Michigan University, discusses...
The Culture Map – Decoding How People Think, Lead, and Get Things Done...
By Erin Meyer
Cultural differences lead to confusion, misunderstanding and needless conflict in the business world. In this article, Erin Meyer discusses the Culture Map,...
Will Africa Feed China? “Begging with a Golden Bowl” Food Security and Commercial...
By Deborah Brautigam
In this excerpt from her book, ‘Will Africa Feed China?’, the author discusses China-Cameroon agricultural development and investment.
On November 17, 2005, Yang...
Harvesting The Biosphere
By Vaclav Smil
Humanity has been harvesting an increasing share of the Earth’s photosynthetic productivity. This has already resulted in a new world where the...
Global Capitalism: Crisis of Humanity and the Specter of 21st Century Fascism
By William I. Robinson
World capitalism is experiencing the worst crisis in its 500 year history. Global capitalism is a qualitatively new stage in the...
The Trend of History is Bigger than the Business Cycle
By Philip Auerswald
In March, 2009, Nobel laureate Paul Krugman posted to his blog a chart of US industrial production in 1929 and 1930 (the...
Collective Life Capital: The Lost Ground of the Economy
By John McMurtry
In this analysis, the author definitively explains collective life capital as the missing base of the economy under systemic attack by life-blind...
Filming Genocide
By William Guynn
Film, with its tangible relationship to the world it “captures”, can offer us, in flashes of insight, an immediate and unexpected access...
American Millennials and the World
By A. Trevor Thrall and Erik Goepner
The 9/11 attacks have been the defining event of the American millennial generation. The article discusses how American...
The Frighteningly High Human and Financial Costs of War
By Rami G Khouri
The ravages and costs of war can persist for generations after the fighting and bombing stop.
We have always known that war...
Communities, Not Countries, are Best Equipped to Fix the World’s Economic Woes
By Peter Block
As anxieties about an economically unstable future grow globally, there is an alternative mindset much closer to home–literally just around the corner,...
Why People Trust Sharing Economy Strangers More Than Their Colleagues
By Mareike Möhlmann
Trust is a crucial element in any relationship, not least when financial transactions are taking place. The rise of sharing economy platforms...
The Curse of Aleppo and Understanding the Syrian Civil War
By Simon Mabon
Five years have passed since the deadliest civil war of the 21st century began. Dr. Simon Mabon discusses what caused the uprising...
Cosmopolitan Conceptions? Biopolitics and Emiratisation in Dubai’s IVF “Reprohub”
By Marcia C. Inhorn
Despite the political tumult in the Arab world, Dubai continues to draw medical tourists from around the globe, including infertile “reprotravellers”...
Deconstructing And Dismantling The Rape Culture In India
By Parul Verma
Since the post-colonial era, India has witnessed a history of sexual assault, molestation, rape and violence against its women. On the rise...
Confucian Culture and the International Trend of Legalising Same-Sex Marriage
By Karen Lee
Steeped in centuries-old Confucian family order, China appears to be an unlikely place for same-sex marriage. A growing sense of activism, however,...
United Airlines, Artificial Intelligence, and Donald Trump: Reawakening Values in the Era of Fake...
By Avi Liran and Simon L. Dolan
Society has evolved and not all aspects of our lives were able to cope up with the changes...
The Crisis of Trust in Democracy and Globalisation
By Graham Vanbergen
Crimes of the rich and powerful elite have led to a global crisis of trust. In this article, the author elaborates on...
Brexit – How the British People were Hacked
By Graham Vanbergen
In today’s context, social engineering has now moved on – dramatically. It refers to the manipulation of people into performing actions they wouldn't normally...
Zombie Politics
By Alexander Cohen and Chase Pielak
Zombies mirror deep seated cultural fears of lack of control, lawlessness, and powerlessness. In the modern world, they are a...
Cyber Racism and What Can Be Learnt from Australia
By Andrew Jakubowicz
Cyber racism has become a widely recognised scourge of the Internet, interacting with violent radicalisation and cyber bullying to make the worldwide...
Facing the Shadow of Colonialism in Trump’s America
By Nozomi Hayase
From Muslim bans to attacks on LGBTQ communities and immigrants, the Trump presidency is regressing civil society with a colonial hierarchy. In...
Race and Caste: Worlds Apart But Closer Than You Think
By Rajesh Sampath
Combining historical knowledge and awareness of the present situation in America and India, one can deduce that racial and caste-based discrimination are...
The Dark Plight of Immigrants in the Racist Era of Trump
By Alvaro Huerta
This essay argues that President Donald J. Trump represents an existential threat to immigrants in the United States. Trump’s immigration rhetoric and...
The Plight of Children in a Neoliberal World
By Peter Koenig
The NYT wrote yesterday, Christmas Day, that an 8-year old Guatemalan boy died in US Border Control custody. The circumstances are not...
La Rinconada – The Devil’s Paradise
By Peter Koenig
La Rinconada, 5,000 to 5,400m above sea level, corrugated iron shacks, glued to the hills of the surrounding mountains, home to some...
The 3 Myths of Employee Autonomy
By Carsten Lund Pedersen
Employee autonomy is becoming one of the latest trends in business management with many industries failing to implement and benefit from...
China’s Pioneering Effort to Contain Virus Outbreak Economic and Human Costs of the New...
By Dan Steinbock
Chinese government has used strong measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan. The human costs and economic impact...
What Are We Doing Today to Prevent Our Company’s Next Ethical Disaster?
By David De Cremer
Imagine that you are walking past a restaurant where you clearly see that the condition of the electric wiring in the...
The Climate Crisis Dilemma
By Graham Vanbergen
The climate crisis is now changing global finance – Graham Vanbergen asks the question do we want to pay for it now...
Be a Fool! It’s What Crisis Leadership Really Needs
By David De Cremer
It’s hard to see a crisis coming. Crisis situations usually arrive at moments we do not expect it and as a...
Covid 19 & the Forgotten Working Class
By Jack Rasmus
We hear a lot these days about providing benefits and income for the tens of millions of workers who are being laid off,...
The Corona Crisis: The Rothschilds? Bill Gates? The Search for a Scapegoat Has Begun
By Rainer Zitelmann
It is almost a law of human nature: In any crisis, natural disaster or epidemic, sooner or later people will begin to search...
“The COVID-19 Crisis” as an Opportunity for Introspection: A Multi-level Reflection on Values, Needs,...
By Simon L. Dolan, Mario Raich, Anat Garti and Avishai Landau
The current period of misery and even despair surround us. It is perhaps an opportune moment to reflect on...
Corporate Philanthropy’s COVID-19 Test
By Kalyah Ford and Renée Karibi-Whyte
As the COVID-19 pandemic impacts hundreds of thousands of lives and the very fabric of society globally, corporate philanthropy is playing a...
Say Hello to Japan’s New Generation Workers
By Alecsandra Tubiera
The new generation – or mostly known as the millennial generation – is the current age of workers in Japan, innovating ideas...
The Challenges and Importance of Institutions Building in the Developing Countries
By Dr. Kalim Siddiqui
There has been on-going debate about the utility of the ‘free market’ system versus ‘government intervention’ in promoting development policies and...
New Poll: How many Britons believe in conspiracy theories?
By Dr. Rainer Zitelmann
Since the onset of the coronavirus crisis, conspiracy theories have been spreading almost as fast as the virus itself, especially on...
Global Destruction, The COVID-19 Lockdown: Economic and Social Impacts
By Peter Koenig
Planned Destruction of World-wide Economy
What we have to realize is that the global, country-by-country destruction – happening simultaneously – is not a...
Conspiracy Theory – What Is It?
By Peter Koenig
Being blamed for disseminating “conspiracy theories” and therefore being a conspiracy theorist, is an extraordinarily and smart tactic used by the true...
9 reasons you can be optimistic that a vaccine for COVID-19 will be widely...
By William Petri
As fall approaches rapidly, many are wondering if the race for a vaccine will bear fruit as early as January 2021.
Venezuela – A Tribute for Her Endless Pursuit of Democracy
By Peter Koenig
Venezuela is again the shining light of Democracy – pushing ahead with the 6 December 2020 National Assembly (NA) elections – despite...
Is a New Wave of Covid-Fascism Invading Europe?
By Peter Koenig
German Doctor, Co-founder of ACU - German Extra-Parliamentary Commission for (Covid) Investigation, Arrested - and Swiss Parliament extending the Swiss Covid Emergency...
The New Global COVID-19 Threat: Misguided Policies, Virulent Strains, New Waves, and Lost Years
By Dan Steinbock
As the COVID-19 epicenter has moved from the Americas to India and poorer economies and G20 countries remain severely affected, the...
Nobel peace prize: hunger is a weapon of war but the World Food Programme...
By Susanne Jaspars
By awarding the 2020 Nobel peace prize to the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP), the Nobel committee said that it wanted to “turn the...
The Craziest Superstitions & Why They Exist
Superstitions are a crazy thing. Some of us swear by them, others will purposely step on the cracks, walk under ladders and generally just...
Open Letter to the Covid-Corrupted Media
By Peter Koenig
We, The People, are concerned about worldwide media reporting about covid.
Are you, Western Media Moguls, realizing that there is hardly anything else...
How to Heal the Open Wounds of Electoral Anxiety and Loss – Advice from...
By Tereza Capelos
Settling the winner of the US election isn’t simple. As the ballots are counted in the battleground states, many people may be in distress,...
Children’s Views Should be Taken into Account When Designing Urban Space
By Jenny Wood
Children see the world in a different way to adults, but urban planning policies rarely take this into account. By focusing on...
Lessons from Around the World on Fighting COVID’s Second Wave
By Jimmy Whitworth
As the northern hemisphere moves into winter, coronavirus rates are rising in parts of Europe and the USA. Experts are warning of...
Religion, race and nationality – what are our prejudices and how can we overcome...
By Dr Julian Hargreaves
What do you think of your neighbours? And what do they think of you? Concerns around increasing division and polarisation...
COVID Vaccines will be Here Soon – in the Meantime, Here’s How to Stay...
By Christian van Nieuwerburgh and Ana Paula Nacif
With several COVID vaccines closing in on regulatory approval, we can start to imagine a future after...
Mass Shootings in the US Have Risen Sharply in 2020 – Why?
By Craig Jackson
Despite the US response to the coronavirus pandemic using sporadic stay-at-home orders and lockdowns, as at November 26 2020 there have been...
Why Another Lockdown Might be Needed in February 2021
By Dr Peter Sivey and Dr James Gaughan
England recently emerged from a four-week lockdown into a series of tiered restrictions, and there is good...
COVID Vaccines Rollout are Starting to Arrive – Here’s How Everyone will Get Them
By Sarah Schiffling and Dr Liz Breen
The first batch of COVID vaccine has arrived in the UK, and the NHS has embarked on the largest...
Coronavirus new variant – genomics researcher answers key questions
By Lucy van Dorp
A new variant of SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, is thought to be driving increased transmission of the disease in...